Sunday, February 23, 2014

Violent Ukraine Protests

In a article regarding the violent riots in Ukraine, authors Phil Black, Steve Almasy, and Victoria Butenko delve into the details and questions of the Ukrainian peoples. Following a week of viscous fighting between police and protestors, a day of mourning and remembrance existed. However, their efforts have not been in vain. Ukrainian Parliament has removed the president's political rival while also moving the next presidential election to May of 2014. Also, the power of president Viktor Yakunovych has been greatly limited since the beginning of the bloodshed. Logos is provided when the authors state the names and occupations of the important figures with each political party. Coincidental assonances occur, however the story is meant to be informative. A synecdoche is used when stating that the power of Ukraine rests "on the shoulders of thugs." The tone of the authors is very sad and serious when discussing the deaths of protestors

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