Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Gold is Good"

In a Sports Illustrated article entitled "Good is Gold," author Alexander Wolff analyzes the events in the beginning of the 2014 Winter Olympics. These games are being in held in Sochi, Russia. Wolff focuses on athletes from all countries, interviewing them about their prior experiences and their biggest accomplishments. One of the athletes, Sage Kotsenburg, was the first American to win the gold medal in Slopestyle Snowboard, one of the newer games to a centuries old event. The author utilizes logos when he provides the statistics of previous and present athletes. When describing Ole Einar Bjørndalen, the author uses an epithet, calling this athlete "the King." Another epithet is used when describing the once-Soviet Russia as "the Red Army." An allusion is made to W.D. Frank's Everyone to Skis! Skiing in Russia and the Rise of the Soviet Biathlon. Lastly, a synecdoche is present when Wolff states that Alexander Tikhonov is the Russian face of biathlon.  

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