Sunday, March 23, 2014


In an article produced after the Olympics, the News Journal describes all the benefits of kevlar in relation to sports. The author, Molly Murray, goes into detail, stating all of its uses, ranging from skis and snowboards to hockey sticks and boots. Kevlar is also utilized for its lightweight properties and superb strength. Of recent, Kevlar has been used by the Bauer hockey company;  they are placing kevlar in hockey socks in order to protect the hockey players from any risk of being cut by a skate blade. Another hockey company, Warrior, uses Kevlar in its hockey sticks. The author uses exemplification when she provides the diverse uses of Kevlar. Logos is provided when statistics about the strength of kevlar. An analogy is used when the author compares the strength of kevlar to the strength of wood in the relation to hockey stick production.  

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