Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Boston Strongman"

In a Sports Illustrated article entitled "Boston Strongman," the importance of Boston Red Sox player baseball David Ortiz is defined. Ortiz is also called "Big Papi" by his adoring fans. According to Red Sox owner Larry Luchino, David Ortiz is "probably the most beloved athlete in all of Boston." And this statement could not be any more true. His stats rank him among some of the best ballplayers in the history of baseball. Besides being a future hall-of-farmer, he is also a class-act. In the multiple faces of adversity, Ortiz only blossomed. One of the biggest adversities Papi faced was the Boston Marathon bombing, which affected parts of Boston that he was so familiar with. However, as always, he emerged as a leader, and the people of Boston had a strong leader to look to in time of crisis. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Typhoon Haiyan

In a article written on November 8, 2013, the destruction and wreckage of Typhoon Haiyan are put into perspective. Filipino authorities are estimating that about one thousand five hundred people had lives taken by the storm. However, others predict that the death toll is as much as ten times higher than the prior estimate. International help flew in as soon as possible. However, most frustration lies in the Filipino government who, in the people's opinion, did not respond as quickly or efficiently as they should have. Some victims have taken to looting and other crimes as a source of their survival. To compare this storm to others, Typhoon Haiyan was more than three times stronger than Hurricane Katrina, which struck the United States eight years ago.